Wilting by Clarity James
This work intends to explore time and space through ageing and decay. Whilst the scene and the place does not change, the roses themselves do, and they age and decay like all things. This passage of time here is demonstrated through the gradual progression of the wilting roses, becoming more sullen with each frame. The integration of place, however, is through likeness rather than change. The scene is shot identically each time, the only changes to the image being the changing sunlight through the offscreen window and the roses themselves. The presentation and general concept is inspired by Roni Horn’s ‘You are the weather’ (1997), with each frame shot very closely, and each frame set out in a line, almost inviting comparison and progression. This likeness was achieved by allowing the camera to remain fixed on the subject, programmed to periodically take photographs without itself or its subject ever being disturbed.
Horn R (1997) You are the weather, Scalo Publishers, Berlin. ISBN 3931141454.